Capture Cabinets

Capturing Cabinets using Auto Fillet

Auto Fillet

Auto Fillet is used for measuring surfaces that are generally regarded as being straight such as the edges of cabinet bases.

  1. Click Capture > Line
  2. Select Auto Fillet as the Mode if it is not already selected.
  3. Select the color to measure in as defined by the Company-wide Edge Style Configuration.
  4. Position the laser dot at the first location to capture a measurement.
  5. Click anywhere on the drawing area of the screen.
  6. Position the laser dot at the second location to capture a measurement on the same surface. 
  7. Click anywhere on the drawing area of the screen.
  8. Continue capturing two measurements on each surface that has straight edges. 

Every two captured points will draw a line. Every two consecutive, non-parallel, measurements will draw a new line and fillet it to the previous line.